The 28-year-old housewife and mother started in the catering business this year because her husband was not employed.
Mrs Zinck, from Wailekutu in Lami, operates her small food catering operation from their home.
She said she looked forward to major sporting events which provided her and other food vendors the chance to earn a few bucks from the people going to watch the games.
Yesterday, she was selling by the roadside near the National Stadium where the two-day Coca-Cola Light Games was being held.
Mrs Zinck said she started by selling door to door in offices when she started getting contracts from corporate houses for catering orders.
"I do catering for small businesses."
Her sells lovo, fried chicken.
Yesterday she was selling fried chicken with dalo and sandwiches.
She started her catering business when her husband had to leave his work at the bank job because of sickness.
"This is the daily source of income for my family."
Mrs Zinck, who has two children, said returns from food selling were enough for the survival of the family.
She said when she started it was difficult as she had never worked before.
But now, she said she was used to it and could maintain the working and family life.
Mrs Zinck said her future plan was to expand the business.
She said she had to do it and has found the knack of doing business.
She finds it challenging but then, it's life, and she looks at it that way.
Adapted from Fijitimes Online