Many think that a good education and qualifications will get you a good job but Gina believes that it is not a matter of fact but how you can earn money from something you love doing.
The 30-year-old mother of +two children runs her jewellery business and caters for food.
Gina studied law for two years at the University of the South Pacific but could not continue her studies because her parents could not afford it.
"My dad is a retired mechanist and is a sickly person and my mom is just a normal housewife," Gina said.
"They don't get enough money to support our education."
Her dream of becoming a lawyer had to be shelved.
Gina said she understood her parents and came up with the idea of to start a business that would support her parents and family.
She started her business two years ago with $32 in her pocket.
Gina said from that small amount of money, her business was able to survive and she made a profit.
She followed the example of her grandfather who is a role model to her he started a business with three shillings and that, she said, was something which encouraged her to move on and pursue her business.
"I used to laugh and make fun when my grandfather used to tell me the story of how he started his business.
"But then I came to realise that if he could start his business with that small amount of money, I could do the same too.
"What made me start this business is that I believe not everyone can afford to buy expensive gold and pearl jewellery.
"At least, they can afford to buy the ones I make which have low prizes."
Gina said it was not a matter of being educated but what you could afford and how you could earn an income from what you love or enjoy doing.
She runs a food catering business and bakes cakes for birthdays, weddings and Christmas parties.
Along with the food business, Gina sells jewellery at cheap prices for the average people.
She earns $600 to $700 a week and the money goes toward supporting her parents, her family and helps her two younger sisters with their education.
She is also able to pay freight costs and duty for stuff which are imported from overseas for her business.
"I am going out of my way to provide a good education for my sisters.
"I want them to fulfil their dream with what career path they pursue.
"My advice to people is what talent you have, try and make something out of it in order for you to gain success.
"Just give it a try, you never know what you'll get.
"If you have your mind set on it then nothing is impossible for you to achieve."
Gina shows that a little faith can move mountains.
Adapted from Fijitimes Online